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Encouragement and Testimonials

Here you can read or submit your own humorous stories and bits of encouragement, whether they be nostalgic, mirthful, or thought-provoking. Any memorable, true-life crochet story qualifies, so sit back and relax to read--or submit!

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Sunday, January 17, 2010Name: Rebecca

Subject: taught by tutorials to crochet

Comment: Well I'm not as fortuante as you ladies are; I'm 56 and within the past six months I've watched tutorial after tutorial to learn how to crochet. I have actually completed several hats and scarfs witch are easy. I recently finished a afgan for my new grand daughter who was born the very day I finished it. She was born 2 1/2 months early; it took my months to do it.
I cannot read patterns yet, have trouble counting stitches and can't figure out a gauge to save my soul.
Advice is wonderful I learn more visually and the tutorials were great.

Wednesday, December 30, 2009Name: Robin McBride

Subject: 5 years and going strong...

Comment: It took me 3 years to get good enough to begin teaching crochet at my local library. I have found that students have the most trouble with the starting chain and first row, but the biggest challenge by far is reading the pattern. I have begun illustrating and re-writing the patterns for them and this changes any pattern into a pattern anyone can do; eliminating the rating system. Dont give up. Find a mentor.

Sunday, December 27, 2009Name: Claire

Subject: I heart crochet!

Comment: I was taught to crochet at the age of 5 by my favourite Aunt who was an expert on a wide range of crafts. I wanted to thank this site for bringing together such a wide range of fabulous free patterns, when I have and urge to create this is the site I use for inspiration!

Wednesday, December 23, 2009Name: Amarintha

Subject: I -love- this site

Comment: I absolutely adore this site. I learned to crochet when i was 12 and dropped it fairly quickly because it was "boring" I then lost a relationship and realized i had no hobbies whatsoever that didn't involve him. I basically used crochet to block and distract myself from the pain. Now coming up on christmas i made Amigurumi dolls and toys for my entire family and they all turned out wonderful

this site provided almost all of the patterns that ive used and now i have a "cookbook" so to speak of everything that im looking forward to making in the future

thank you so much for providing this all for me :)

Monday, December 21, 2009Name: Esther

Subject: Knit and Crochet

Comment: I am 21 years old and started crocheting when I was 12 or 13 then put it away for a while. Then I learned to knit and then picked crochet back up. Like many others I find knitting and crochet helps to calm my nerves from all the stresses in my life. I make things for gifts and also to sell, my mom likes to take some of what I make and combine it with her paper artwork for some very unique effects.

Sunday, December 20, 2009Name: Memaw

Subject: Congratulations

Comment: I've just been reading some of these comments. They are priceless. I've been crocheting for 74 years....yes, it is true.....started when I was about 4....messed up my mother's project and she made me learn how to fix it. Of all the cute comments, the one I would encourage the most is to take a photo of everything you make. I'd give anything for a photo of the hundreds of baby blankets I've made. Fortunately I can still get photos of the Christmas decorations I make every year for my 34 surrogate family members. Loved reading all this.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009Name: Marisela Holguin in Texas

Subject: Just Like Great Grandma

Comment: I am 36yrs old. I started to crochet at the age of 5. My great grandmother in Mexico taught me. I love to crochet. I carry my tote with yarn and hooks everywhere. Just like one of the stories I read here, I too think of my crochet bag as I am at a movie or restaurant. I get off from work and rush home to just get to my crochet bag! I love your stories here, they bring a smile to my face.

Monday, December 07, 2009Name: Annie Gunn

Subject: peaceful crochet

Comment: I'm 62 years old and have been crocheting less than 10 years. I find crocheting to be very relaxing. While my husband watches TV, I crochet, a better use of my time, yes? I give away most of what I make, afghans mostly. I think crochet is excellent for good mental and emotional health! Thanks for this website and for the tips I have found.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009Name: Cindy

Subject: Thanks Everyone on the Internet!

Comment: I'm the youngest of six children, and I've been crocheting for two years, and now I'm 18. I remember being bored during summer, and I was too young to get a job. I learned how to knit online a year before but never really got into it. I watched countless YouTube videos before I actually bought my first G hook. It was tough, and I realized I should have used a bigger hook...But I never gave up, and just got more advice from all the lovely people on this site, YouTube, and Crochetville. So I'd just like to thank everyone who helped me earn the title (according to my siblings) of the youngest grandma in my family. :)

Saturday, November 14, 2009Name: Sheryl

Subject: Crochet and Knitting

Comment: I learned how to knit when I was seven years old. My mother taught me and my sister. My first knitting needles were pencils believe it or not. I guess that's what my mother had at the time. I taught my self Crochet five years ago. I didn't knit for some time (of and on). I decided to try crocheting. I love to crochet but I still have a desire for knitting. I still want to knit here and there when ever I get the chance but my focus is crocheting. I thank my mother for introducing me to knitting because through that I have found my love for Crochet. :)

Tuesday, November 03, 2009Name: Barbara in Texas

Subject: Toddler's Pony Tail Hat

Comment: I'm 65 and learned to crochet from my favorite aunt, Martha. When I was small she made one of these hats for me and I still have it in my crochet collection. I have duplicated it for several young girls and they all loved it as much as I did. I'm so happy to see this pattern and the photo is wonderful. It brings back many wonderful memories.

Thursday, October 29, 2009Name: Ashley Nicole

Subject: This website is great!

Comment: I just started to crochet like 4 days ago! I'm 23 and just starting out in life (apartment, low income job, stressful stuff) and I've realized that crocheting helps my nerves. It takes my mind off the negative that surrounds me. I've already made my first double crochet coaster and I feel SO accomplished. So I want to say that I greatly appreciate to the people that created this website and to everyone that keeps it going. Thanks for all the advice!

Monday, October 19, 2009Name: Gail

Subject: Crochet

Comment: I have been crocheting since I was 6. I am 52yrs old now and have been living in Africa for the past 26yrs. I have felt pretty isolated out here and crochet has helped maintain my sanity. Unfortunately no one crochets here and they think I am pretty strange to spend all my free time on crochet. I have a large collection of crochet books and love doing challenging floral patterns particularly doilies with cotton thread. I am presently working on a floral doily from a pattern sent to me from Vintage Crochet. Its an old pattern from the 40's by Coats and Clark. I also work as a medical practitioner at a busy mission hospital and crochet has helped me deal with many stressful situations. My daughter loves Tatting and has just sent me a beautiful doily for my coffee table. Just found your site today and its great to know that so many people love to crochet too!!!

Sunday, September 27, 2009Name: Charlotte


Comment: I am a long-time crocheter and have heard of it from my older sister. She taught me how to chain, then stopped and forgot how to do anything else. So (a long time later) I did a little bit of internet work and learn how to do a lot more stuff. I discovered I love to make plushies, but I hate doing things off of patterns. I mostly look at something then get ideas then make up my own patterns. I discovered while making a teddy bear, that I am very impatient and always want to see my finished work. This has made my dolls uneven and messy. but on this teddy bear I turned a new leaf and took my time. This is one of the best dolls I have ever made. I am 12 years old and have been crocheting since I was 6. When ever I am bored I am glad I have my hook and yarn with me. I feel bad for my sister for stopping crocheting 'cause it's the funnest and probably the greatest yarn making-things-into....ness evah.

Sunday, September 06, 2009Name: Eliza

Subject: Crochet "mishaps"

Comment: I have only been crocheting for a few years. The person who taught me only knew how to do a few stitches and only straight line projects. I have a lot of trouble following patterns but my recent mishap turned out to be a blessing in disguise! I was trying to make a hexagon that resembled a granny square (which I haven't mastered)and instead ended up with a duodecagon.

I forgot my main crochet project at my parent's home and ended up making a doll with my messed up gauge. The colorful duodecagon was immediately used as an overcoat for the doll that began life as a gauge for another project.

I'm going to finish the doll and present it to my mother as her "granddaughter" as her gag gift this Christmas.

So, if you're reading this, need some inspiration because you've gone wrong with something in the pattern, don't throw it out!


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