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Encouragement and Testimonials

Here you can read or submit your own humorous stories and bits of encouragement, whether they be nostalgic, mirthful, or thought-provoking. Any memorable, true-life crochet story qualifies, so sit back and relax to read--or submit!

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Sunday, September 15, 2013Name: Here's a tip



Sunday, September 15, 2013Name:



Sunday, October 28, 2012Name: Maureen S

Subject: Afgans

Comment: I am 66 yrs old and have been crocheting since I was 16. I've made baby layettes and blankets and toys. I have also crocheted many afghans and I am a blue ribbon winner from the local county fair here. I love scrolling down through your list of afghan patterns and finding new ideas and inspration for some designs of my own. My biggest pleasure was making his & hers afghans for a dear friend's grandchildren for the bride's shower. It was the only gift that when she opened it brought forth a big ooh at his afghan and an aah at hers. With all the brides using registries for gifts there just aren't many surprises these days but the afhans were.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012Name: Jacob Whiting

Subject: Love crocheting!

Comment: I've only recently started to crochet, but I wish I had started years ago. It's very relaxing and provides a great sense of achievement. I'm currently working on two projects - some leg warmers (wish I had them finished for winter) and a sweater for our dog, Benji. Thank you for providing these patterns. They are really helping me out.


Friday, September 28, 2012Name: Victor

Subject: Enjoy the craft

Comment: I taught myself how to crochet from the youtube tutorials. I'm enjoying this hobby now in my retirment years.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012Name: Sabrina

Subject: Crocheting

Comment: My father taught me to crochet when I was just a little girl -- many, many years ago. The one thing I remember most about learning how to crochet was the the way he had to teach me due to the fact that my father is right handed and myself a lefty. I have crocheted many projects from my own designs to bought patterns. Now, in my 50s, I still crochet and create patterns. Recently, I designed a Halloween Wreath for one of my neighbors door and whipped out a baby blanket for a special relative. Even though it's cheaper to buy products then make them, Crocheting will always be a special pleasure that I will enjoy always. Happy Crocheting!!

Friday, September 21, 2012Name: Marjorie

Subject: Hand Work

Comment: I learned the basics of knitting, crocheting and embroidery from my mother. I did not do anything when I was working but now that I am retired I've begun again. I started with embroidering crib quilt blocks to do when I visited my mother in a nursing home. Rather than trying to find a subject to talk about we could just embroider together. She embroidered until she was 99 and then handed over her floss and hoops to me. She is now 100 and still crocheting but I think the Linus blanket she is working on now may be her last. When I tired of embroidery I switched to crocheting & knitting for a change. I was trying to use up yarn I had but now others keep giving me their leftovers so I have more now than when I started. I have made several Linus blankets and told others of them also and they are now blanketeers also.

Monday, September 17, 2012Name: Angela

Subject: Crochet

Comment: My great grandma taught me to crochet when I was just a wee thing. We made granny squares whenever I went to her house. The first Christmas after I started crocheting, my grandma gave me a finished blanket made from all the squares we made together. Recently she become sick and I brought that blanket to the hospital hoping it would help her feel comfort in her last days. One more blessing was my daughters birth one week before my great grandma died. They got to met each other once. Now I wrap my baby in this amazing blanket and tell her about her amazing great great grandma and how crocheting always reminds me of her.

Thursday, August 30, 2012Name: Irene

Subject: Crocheting

Comment: I tought myself to crochet. Got it as a gift from s.o. who said they didn't get it. I luv crocheting. I am teaching my daughter who is a teenager. Ive made some blankies and beanies. I think its a bit easier than knitting. At times Ive forgot it on the couch and my little 2yr old has taken it appart

Thursday, August 30, 2012Name: Stephanie Franklin

Subject: Fun, cheap, sanity saver

Comment: I'm a stay at home mom. Though rewarding, it's tiring, lonely, and sometimes it can feel like the walls are closing in on you. I am a fairly new crocheter. We are on a pretty tight budget. Everyone is always saying to me, "You need to get out. You need a hobby. You need something for you." I agree, but easier said than done. It's hard to do things outside the house. My husband is on call often, and he goes to school in the evenings. I don't have a lot of people at my disposal to watch my 3 small children. A lot of hobbies out there are EXPENSIVE. Scrapbooking, and many craft things take a lot of expensive materials. Even something like bowling leagues cost quite a bit of money. Going to the movies costs money. Dance classes cost a lot of money. WHAT KIND OF HOBBY COULD I POSSIBLY AFFORD? Then I saw a class to learn to crochet at a local yarn shop. The class was not too expensive, yarn and hooks are very reasonable, patterns can be found for free, and I can make things we can give as gifts! It lets me sit and relax, something I don't do well, because I feel like I'm somehow being productive. I love it! I can't wait to teach my daughters to crochet, and I'm hoping in the near future to add knitting to my know-how.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012Name: Jessica Yates

Subject: Every ones Stories

Comment: Thanks for the tears and smiles all your stories are beautiful! I have not been a very faithful crocheter, I pick it up and put it down throught out my life all the time but I started learning when I was around 8. I have 2 daughters who now try to learn they are 4 and 9. I love the look on their faces when they have succeded or when Ive made something the love. Our boys love the stuff as well just not as much as the girls. I love makeing stuffed animals flat things i get to bored with. For me crocheting is also therapy I couldnt agree more! When I need to tune the world out and retreat in on myself I turn to a hook and ball of yarn! I love to see the joy it brings to the people who are touched by this oh so useful talent!

Wednesday, July 18, 2012Name: melissa willis

Subject: How Crocheting really saved my life

Comment: I love to grams taught me when i was very young, growing up i made a lot of grannie squares and anything i could make with a grannie i got older and became an adult, i probably didn't crochet as much, during my pregnancies I made cute little things for my babies....but there came a time in my life when i not only loved to crochet but i needed to crochet....when i was 34 i was diagnosed with MS...unable to walk, and had very poor vision, therefore having to leave my job...i had 2 teen aged daughters and no income and very little support from their father...well at the time angles were popular, so i started crocheting angles and starching them and selling them....getting me through some rough times but the most important thing was, i no longer felt useless, because i could still do something and it was at that point that i realized i had to fight this disease, and i did....i am no longer in a wheelchair and walking sometimes i need a walker but i have come a long way and it was all because of a spool of crochet cotton and and a needle....i am now doing a blog and i invite all of you to follow my blog and hopefully gain something from i am once again having problems with my MS and not able to work so I using my crochet talent to once again get me through a rough that i mean give me the encouragement that i need to get though this once again...and friends i please if you get the time please come and share your thoughts with me as i would love to get to know you better and maybe help you with your craft! Thanks for listening!

Sunday, July 01, 2012Name: Loren

Subject: crochet love

Comment: i love crochet. i started when i was ten and have made many advanced crochet projects.

Sunday, July 01, 2012Name: Rebecca

Subject: crochet love

Comment: I love to crochet. I first learned to knit in fifth grade and i was frusterated by it. In seventh grade i learned to crochet and i loved it. It is really easy to learn. I have crocheted wash clothes, baskets, gloves, hats, scarves, turtles, bracelets, book marks, and other stuff. Some i dont even use patterns for. I have worked woth a couple types of yarn, hemp, twine, and plastic bags. I just learned the crocodile stitch its actually pretty easy, just tedious. I like to use sugar'n cream yarn the best. It unwinds from the inside so it doesnt get tangled. Im out of high school and i still crochet. I love how versitile crocheting is.

Friday, June 29, 2012Name: Madelynn

Subject: crocheting rocks

Comment: I learned to crochet when i was 11 and I LOVE LOVE IT!!!!! I make baby stuff for hospitals in my area I AM ONLY 13 YEARS OLD CROCHETING IS MY PASSION 1 person can help the world

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