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Encouragement and Testimonials

Here you can read or submit your own humorous stories and bits of encouragement, whether they be nostalgic, mirthful, or thought-provoking. Any memorable, true-life crochet story qualifies, so sit back and relax to read--or submit!

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Wednesday, January 04, 2012Name: Amanda Perkins

Subject: Relaxer

Comment: I was taught how to crochet when I was 9 years old by my grandmother's friend. Since then, I have gone off and on from it, but I really got back into it when I was pregnant with my daughter. Now, I'm experimenting with different styles and patterns, mixing and matching them to with what I want to do. It is relaxing and helps pass the day, enabling me to make some warm clothes for the winter for my daughter. I'm 22 and I will say that it is for people of all ages!

Thursday, December 29, 2011Name: Sheila Nielsen

Subject: How crochet helps people

Comment: I've crocheted for many years, and I'm 37 now. I also love to paint, draw, make jewelry and sculpture. But crocheting is my favorite hobby, 'cause it makes me calm and happy.

Now I've read all these stories about young people with all kind of diseases, that find crocheting is so very good for their health and soul. That really touches my heart.. keep up crocheting -and the good spirit!

Love from Sheila, Denmark.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011Name: Gladys Wilson Hawryluk

Subject: knitting & crocheting

Comment: when I was in school we had a women who taught us to knit & crochet in her home I remember I crocheted a collar latter I knitted a sweater It was a lot of fun that women is now deceased But I still remember how she taught us I think she was paid by state that happened in Mayfield Pa Her name was Mrs Murray She held her class in her home at night.

Thursday, December 22, 2011Name: Christina

Subject: Total stress reliever!

Comment: I learned to crochet from an old neighbor about 3 years ago. I'm 13 yrs old and I love it. I am autistic and this saved me from flipping out all the time. I could go to my room and start a new project. Crocheting was probably the best thing that ever happened to me.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011Name: Manveen Kaur

Subject: crochet made my life

Comment: hi i am manveen and i like crochet but most of the time i see same patterns and all and it was real boring, but you have such amazing new things, i even copied few patterns and made on my own :), its so easy now, you can see for yourself:


Sunday, December 11, 2011Name: Amy

Subject: A new hobby to make life enjoyable again.

Comment: After a divorce I was heartbroken and hope and happiness felt far away. I knew of a friend who crocheted. I wanted to learn for a while and thought it would be a good way to keep my mind off difficult times. She taught me the chain, single and double crochet. After that, she got busy with her own life. I knew I was on my own in many ways. I started to teach myself. I filled my free time with numerous projects. I felt joy, even if it was for a little while, in one of the toughest times in my life. Crocheting helped focus something positive. I made a choice to be happy again and never give up hope.

Sunday, December 11, 2011Name: Gary Morgan

Subject: A guy crocheting?!

Comment: I dont mean to offend anyone. But I used to think only gay's and woman crocheted. But with my failures in drawing and personal issues I was desperate for a craft to keep my mind occupied and off the troubles from work, home, and life itself. So I asked my grandmother what she did when she felt stressed. She showed me crocheting. And after about a week I thought it was boring. But then after a year or so of leaving it put away a renewed spark has Ignited in me that is telling me Crochet may be my artistic calling. So at the place I work. Which is a retirement community I suggested a crochet group to join up with the Knitting group. Personally I cant knit worth a dime. But crocheting has brought me joy and friends. Im also thinking of joining the Crochet guild of America. Which can be found at So long story short I think it's okay for men to crochet. It's not as girly as I thought it was plus I love to work with my hands.

Sunday, December 11, 2011Name: Diane

Subject: Renewal

Comment: I haven't crocheted since I was 12 yrs old and forget that I could even do it. One day at work a young girl came in with her needle and yarn and she told me that she was starting a new hobby. I had been going though a few things and needed a stress reliever so thank you God for young Beth for opening my eyes and heart to one of the crafts that I use to love....enjoying crocheting again and have made so many different things. Will never ever stop crocheting again.

Saturday, December 10, 2011Name: Joselyn Aneidy Mora

Subject: Panicks Attacks & Asthma Relief

Comment: Hello Crocheters! I'm 22 and sadly, I have asthma and panic attacks, which confuse me sometimes and makes me frustrated. Somehow, my cousin does crochet and she taught me how to do only the chain. It interested me a lot and I began looking for it, tutorials and stuff in the internet and then taught myself. Today I know even more stuff than my cousin and it relaxes me very much. When I crochet, I forgot the horrible things that happened to me when I was out of air because of the panic attacks, and the worst thing was, that the panic attacks doesn't kill u, but u think they will! But with crocheting, I found something to keep my mind off it and since one year, I haven't had any episode of an attack. Definitely is a way to escape from the horrible things that happens in life, and the best is that you are really doing something with your time!

Monday, December 05, 2011Name: Melinda

Subject: So much fun

Comment: I just started to crochet last month, and I can't put it down. My three year old daughter loves to pick patterns and then yarn colors for me to use. I can't wait until I can teach her. Thank you so much for the free patterns. I have made so many already. When I'm crocheting the world just melts away, and all of life's stress is gone for just awhile. And I love the smile on my daughters face when I finish something for her! I'm 25 and I wish I had stated crocheting many years ago.

Friday, December 02, 2011Name: Blythe

Subject: definately awesome

Comment: I most definately agree with everyone's testimony on how crocheting realieves stress SO much. I've got plenty of medical issues, and family issues, and school issues, but developing a hobby like this has really really helped me. I can't seem to stop crocheting, because it seems to take my mind off of everything. My mom always made fun of me because i'd sit in a rocking chair, complaining about my back pain, then start to crochet. It's not just for old people!!!! I'm 15 years old, and crocheting is definately AWESOME!

Friday, December 02, 2011Name: Kelly

Subject: Renewal

Comment: I learned to crochett as a little girl and I have made different projects with it over the years, but I hadn't really done anything with it for the last 5 years or so. I earned one college degree, had 4 family deaths and I got into and out of an unhealthy relationship during that time all while working my head off to make ends meet. At the end of it, I was spent emotionally, physically, mentally, and creatively. Last year I started making a few winter hats out of need and being cheap. I found it so relaxing and it took me back in time to the painting, drawing, sewing, sculpting, writing, crocheting, singing little girl I used to be. Nine hats later and I'm more like the person I was! I'm even sculpting, writing and singing again!

Tuesday, November 29, 2011Name: Angie

Subject: Thanks Grandma

Comment: I would like to say thanks to my grandma for putting the crochet bug in my spirit. She taught me the chain stitch when I was 9 years old. She also "told" me that I was gonna be a nurse some day...and she was right! Now, umpteen years later, I am a postpartum nurse who loves babies, and I love making hats for them. I love the ohhh's and ahhh's I get when I slip a little beenie on those sweet little heads. Even though I have just recently got back into crocheting, I enjoy it so much and I dont think I'll ever stop. Every time I complete a project I feel I make my Grandma proud. So thanks Granny for giving me a skill that gives me, and those sweet little babies, so much enjoyment.

Sunday, November 27, 2011Name: Shawnee

Subject: Crocheting Soothes The Soul

Comment: I first started knitting when I was around 10, the program was a sort of elective my school had, and not wanting to do the other ones, I was forced into knitting... and loved it. That year, I started to get really sick, and was unable to go to regular school, so knitting kept me happy. I grew out of it, and recently, my health had gotten worse, officially unable to attend school in person, I picked up a crochet hook... and found that I adored it. It's kept me sane, and helps me not focus on the effect's of my health. So... don't let the image of older ladies knitting/crocheting, only being 17, I found a major passion of mine, you could too :)

Tuesday, November 22, 2011Name: Jamie

Subject: crocheting

Comment: Im 15 years old, and I began crocheting when I was 8 years old. But, unlike most people, I crochet for not only my love of the hobby, but because of high blood pressure problems that lead to bloody noses, and heart problems. Crocheting has dramatically helped to lower my blood pressure, along with exercising and eating healthier. So, essentially, crocheting has saved my life! I love to crochet, I find it so enjoyable and calming! Ive done several filet doilies, a table runner, lace doilies, and im still continuing to improve each day! This website has helped so much as well :)

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