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Encouragement and Testimonials

Here you can read or submit your own humorous stories and bits of encouragement, whether they be nostalgic, mirthful, or thought-provoking. Any memorable, true-life crochet story qualifies, so sit back and relax to read--or submit!

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Tuesday, June 07, 2005Name: Debra

Subject: Great Site

Comment: I am new to this site. I love to crochet, but I am not too good at the harder stuff. The patterns here seem to have very good instructions.

Tuesday, June 07, 2005Name: jesee

Subject: haha

Comment: i'm 11 and learning to crochet right now and my bff, hannah, taught me how. hi hannah

Friday, June 03, 2005Name: tammy sheppard

Subject: i love this site

Comment: I love to crochet so much it's a ritual I have to do. I have 5 kids and a husband of 23 years, and next to them crocheting is my love. Great site and nice patterns. Thanks

Monday, May 30, 2005Name: dawn

Subject: crochet swaps

Comment: I love doing the crochet swaps and crochet for donations. I have lot of experiences in crocheting, happy crocheting, dawn

Friday, May 27, 2005Name: Gladys Collins

Subject: I'm no beginner

Comment: My Grandmother too, taught me to knit & crochet. I'm a great grandmother and I still like to crochet best.Retired years ago so all I have to do is play with my great grandaughter an my crocheting. Oh! by the way I'll be 78 on my birthday so I have made a lot, & enjoy it now that I don't have a lot to do except play.

Thursday, May 12, 2005Name: Emily F.

Subject: Crocheting is great

Comment: I am 21 and have been crocheting for a few months. I started on baby afghans and moved to ponchos. I take my unfinished projects to work to occupy me during lunch and the girls at work love to watch and see my pieces progress. I am an eligibility worker that signs people up for food stamps and medical cards through the state. Wearing what I make helps me to get my clients to open up to me, see me as equal, and be comfortable. For those at my office and clients that wish to learn to crochet, I always give your web address as the only site I use for my patterns and instruction. Your site is amazing and so informative. Thanks for putting together something so great and giving people a chance to share their stories.

Wednesday, May 11, 2005Name: Taylor

Subject: Crochet! (addictive)

Comment: Hi. I am 11 years old. I taught myself to crochet, but one day at school this teacher stopped me and showed me a helpful hint. Ever since then I can't stop. I am trying to learn to make stuffed animals. Thanks for reading.

Saturday, May 07, 2005Name: Alexia

Subject: I love crochet!

Comment: I've been crocheting since I was 10 years old. I love to crochet, and I visit this site often for patterns.

Thursday, May 05, 2005Name: Hannah

Subject: I love crocheting!!

Comment: I am 14 and I love to crochet.My mom taught me to when I was 7. Now she doesn't have any time so I'm the one who does most of the crocheting in our house. After I learned I taught my cousin and she loved it! So me and her are thinking about makeing afghans and hats and takeing them to childrens hostpitals to give away.
You have the best website. Better then any I have been to. I have 2 binders full of patterns, most all from you.

Wednesday, May 04, 2005Name: Katie

Subject: crochet!

Comment: This site has been so awesome! I've been crocheting since probably October 2004 and I'm about to turn 13 in a few days! I can't tell you how much stuff I have made! I have boxes and boxes and boxes of stuff that I've made and plan on selling later this year. I've even had some help coming up with a name for all of the things I make. My language arts teacher suggested that when I do sell my stuff, to call it Katie's Creations. No other site compares to this one as far as crochet patterns go, this is the BEST out there! I have a trapper about ready to explode full of all the patterns I've printed off this site!

Tuesday, May 03, 2005Name: Amanda

Subject: I love crochet

Comment: I am 26 years old and have been crocheting since I was a kid. Its a great hobby...and this site is full of great projets!!

Monday, May 02, 2005Name: Salome

Subject: Crochet Anywhere

Comment: Crocheting is a great thing to do anywhere!! I do it all the time while watching TV or listening to a CD. I'm only 12 and I have been crocheting for I think 4 years. I do it everywhere!!It's also a good thing to do while babysitting. You can still keep an eye on the kids while you're having some fun!! And I love to make things for people. They like it 3 times as much because you made it!!! I also like to crochet on long car drives. It helps pass the time. It is a great thing to do on vacation. You can still talk with people and do all that stuff and get some of your crocheting done!!!

Saturday, April 16, 2005Name: Michelle M

Subject: I love this site

Comment: I've spent so many hours looking through this site. I'm 21 and have been crocheting for a few years. I love it more and more and try to do it everyday. I've completed three doilies this past month :) It's a great form of self-relaxation as well as very therapeutic and uplifting during stressful times. Thank you so much to whoever is responsible for this fantasic site. I wouldn't use any other.

Wednesday, April 13, 2005Name: Jenny

Subject: I Love to Crochet!

Comment: I am 28 and have been crocheting for years. I just in the last 6 months have really picked it up again and I am hooked (no pun intended). I really feel that crocheting has helped me deal with some depression and anxiety issues I have been dealing with for years. It is such a self-asteem booster to look at a finsished project and say "Wow, I made this!".

Tuesday, April 12, 2005Name: Delena

Subject: crochet

Comment: I have read time and time again how crocheting makes one relax and that is so true! As soon as I pick up my "hook" my whole body relaxes and I just don't want to stop for a minute. I have been crocheting for 30 years now and have enjoyed every minute of it.

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