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Encouragement and Testimonials

Here you can read or submit your own humorous stories and bits of encouragement, whether they be nostalgic, mirthful, or thought-provoking. Any memorable, true-life crochet story qualifies, so sit back and relax to read--or submit!

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Sunday, December 10, 2006Name: Debra

Subject: Long time crocheter

Comment: I'm so glad you have this site. I've been crocheting since I was 12,(my grandmother taught me to get me out of her hair) and I'm 44 now. I've taught many ladies to start crocheting. I work in an alcohol and drug rehab and it does wonders for their self-esteem when they get the hang of it and actually start to create something with their own two hands.

Friday, December 08, 2006Name: Cheryl Doussept

Subject: Puff Stitch

Comment: I will never curse the puff stitch again everytime I came across a pattern that would use the puff stitch I would always never wanted to do it you see what I do is I take a scrap ball of yarn and I would try the pattern before I bought the yarn for the actual day I came across a pattern that used the puff stitch it looked so nice in the pattern I wanted to make it so I got my scrap ball of yarn and just chained a few stitches and I started with the pattern the I came to the puff stitch I did it according to the pattern instructions but what a mess they were all messy and they looked awful not as nice as the ones in the pattern so I never touched a pattern again that used the puff stitch until today I said to myself this is it so I picked up my crochet hook followed the pattern and woohoo I finally did it they were all nice and neat and they were all the same size so if you are a crocheter like me who tends to give up quickly don't give up as they say practise makes perfect happy crocheting to you all !!!

Sunday, December 03, 2006Name: Ashleigh

Subject: Stress Relief

Comment: I suffer from horrible chronic pain, and crocheting and knitting have relieved a lot of the stress of calming myself down. Also, the constant movement of my hands has kept them from getting stiff. I've so far finished a scarf, and half of an afghan. It may not seem like a lot, but I'm very proud.

Monday, November 27, 2006Name: Brianna

Subject: I'm only 14

Comment: My grandma gave me a crocheting kit when I was about 9, knowing I loved any and every kind of craft, and would try all of them. I tried it and didn't really get it. A few years later, I found the kit, and got a book on crocheting, and starting a few months ago, I picked it back up. It's really fun and gives me something to do when I'm bored or even while on the phone!

Saturday, November 18, 2006Name: Judy

Subject: i have been crocheting since i was 6 or 7

Comment: This keeps my hands going even when my MS is effecting them. My son came from the Army and while he was waiting to find a job he made three afgans. I taught him after he returned from the army. after he go his own apt. he made another one. He also taught himself how to cross stitch. This was a good theropy for him as he learned to relax doing them and it gave him something to do.
Glad to see this place to find different stitches and other things you have on the website.

Friday, November 17, 2006Name: Abbie

Subject: I LOVE crocheting

Comment: I'm 12 years old and I LOVE crocheting. I like making Christmas and birthday presents for my 6 siblings and my parents, as well as all my friends:-). I think all the patterns on this site are SO cool. Thanks!

Thursday, November 16, 2006Name: Sherryl

Subject: Happy To Remember

Comment: Crocheting is something I thought I learned on long public transportation rides to and from school with a neighbor. We were both new to the neighborhood, new subdivision, we caught the same bus morning together going to different schools in the city. I use to read and one day I noticed her yarn and hook and asked if she would teach me. She was glad to. After school that evening I went to the Woolworth and bought yarn and knitting needles, ha..ha. She set me straight that day and donated a hook to my cause. I grew up sewing, quilting and embroidering. I caught on to my new found skill quickly, only to have my mother discover it a couple of weeks later and say, " Crocheting again." I had learned this handiwork as a four yr. old visiting the South during summer break. I've been here with hook and yarn every since. I've taught two of my girls and some of their friends this art and we all enjoy it.

Monday, October 30, 2006Name: Lulu

Subject: Fantastic site

Comment: I have just found this site and there are some brilliant patterns on here. I learnt how to crochet from my grandmother a few years ago (she is 95 this year) and although I do it rather sporadically I want to get stuck in for Christmas and this site has just what I need. Thank you to everyone who has submitted patterns.

Tuesday, October 24, 2006Name: Alice

Subject: Remember

Comment: I was lucky enough to learn crocheting from my Grandmother when I was in my 20s. When she was a little girl, she didn't get to "play" like children do now. She learned to sew, knit, crochet, tat, embroider, etc... She really had a God-given talent for all of these things. Before she died, at 90, she made afghans for each of her seven grandchildren and eight great-grandchildren, not to mention all the baby items, hats, scarfs, etc.. My Mother gave me all of her needles and yarn. When my sister recently was married, I crocheted an afghan for her and her fiance - knowing my Grandma would have done it if she had been alive. I shed a few tears with each stitch, but knew that she was guiding my hand and they were two of the most beautiful pieces I have done. I miss her very much, but everytime I pick up a crochet hook, I feel her love, remember how patient she was when she was teaching me and I smile.

Friday, October 20, 2006Name: Rebecca

Subject: Afghan

Comment: Hi, everybody! I'm sixteen, and I've just finished my tenth afghan! Yeah! I love the patterns on this site: I don't know how many I've made, and there's a lot more I want to make. Love it!

Monday, October 09, 2006Name: Alison

Subject: What got me started

Comment: I taught myself to crochet to help out a friend of mine, Gill. Gill started a wee charitable project to help newborn babies whose moms are destitute or living in abject poverity in Kwa Zulu Natal (South Africa). It's called the Baby Pack Project and she makes up individual packs of the very basic things needed by a new born baby. i.e. Blanket, onesy, sweater, bootees, cloth diaper & pin, soap etc. Gill then takes the packs to the Margate Child Welfare Dept who distribute them to new moms in the very poorest regions. So I taught myself to crochet and now do blankets and bonnets, mittens, bootees, sweaters & cardigans and even knit the odd toy bear too! I have given up smoking and there is no doubt that crocheting was a major factor in keeping me sane and keeping me busy. So if anyone is interested in knitting or crocheting for these wee babies click on the following links.

Thanks and God bless you.
From Alison in N. Ireland

Monday, October 09, 2006Name: Dawn

Subject: Teaching a child

Comment: I taught my 7 year old niece how to crochet last winter, she watched me make several afghans and hat/scarf sets and wanted to get in on the fun. We were starting with a pot holder for her grandmother but she got bored after the second row and it became a friendship bracelet. She ended up making several of her specially designed friendship bracelets for all her friends ~ and for her grandmother for Christmas too!

Sunday, October 08, 2006Name: Farmerswife

Subject: Arthritus

Comment: Im a farmers wife and 38 yrs old. Although I cannot be very active on our working farm with 3 boys, I am aflicted sadly with arthritus, and am self tought crochet'r. I have 50 head of Shatland Wool Sheep and I find that it was God's will to allow me to be able to contribute something to our Family Farm business, My little Crochet art. God Bless everyone who is blessed with this special gift. Happy Crocheting to all of you.!

Friday, September 29, 2006Name: Lynn Hudak

Subject: My 1st experience

Comment: My mother tried so hard to teach me to crochet, and I was never interested. Well, grandma tried to but nope, didn't want to do it. Well when I became pregnant 25 years ago, I bought a book, some thread and hooks (all the sizes) I made a table cloth. I took it over to show my mom and all she could say was "you are not suppose to make something that big, you are suppose to make a small item first." Okay, well, don't you like the tablecloth? She was just so surprised. Grandma never got to see any of my work since she passed away in 1979 but I know she is looking down at me and seeing everything I have done. My mom will be 84 years old and still says, she can't believe I taught myself. Now I make tablecloths, doilies, afghans, baby items which I donate to the hospital.

So if any body is saying "you can't do it" or "you don't want to learn." Just try it you might find that it is very relaxing and very rewarding when your piece is finished.

Lynn Hudak
Sumter SC

Wednesday, September 27, 2006Name: Melinda

Subject: Crochetting blind

Comment: My mom taught me how to crochet when I was about 8 years old. I wasn't fond of it at that time. I did other crafts, such as cross stitch. About a year and a half ago, I went blind. was going crazy because I couldn't figure out ways to do my crafts with my disability. My mom suggested I try crochetting again. I am so gld I did. I've learned a lot of new stitches because of this site. Thanks for this site!

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