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Here you can read or submit your own humorous stories and bits of encouragement, whether they be nostalgic, mirthful, or thought-provoking. Any memorable, true-life crochet story qualifies, so sit back and relax to read--or submit!

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Monday, August 08, 2005Name: jason

Subject: boys

Comment: I just wanted to say, I am an 18 year old guy. My grandma taught me to crochet when I was 6, and ever since I started high school, I have dealt with teasing. I do a lot of crocheting, and always have scraps. I make scarves. When winter comes, I take a bag to school, and give away scarves to people who look cold. half the time the person I give a scarf to has teased me before, so they are in shock. A lot of the time they apologize though.

Saturday, August 06, 2005Name: Gini

Subject: Addicted to Crocheting

Comment: I had not crocheted for years and last November my husband (an elementary principal) suggested that I try it again. He reminded me that I used to crochet an afghan in only two days. I tried a crochet rose to wear on blazers, etc. He was surprized and thrilled. He had me crochet one for everyone of our sisters, nieces, etc. He even had me make some as a gift for his Parent Council, Volunteers, Teachers, etc. I am now enjoying it and even made a bridal purse for my niece. I feel that it is a relaxing and thrilling project to be addicting!

Monday, August 01, 2005Name: Kelly

Subject: crocheting

Comment: I was taught to crochet by my Grandmother when I was about 10 yrs old; I am now 38. She taught me the basic stitches but didn't know how to read crochet patterns. So I only made blankets and pot holders until i turned 20 yrs old. I got married to my highschool sweet heart when I was 19. He went into the Marine's right out of highschool. We got married 1 yr after he went in. Being so young we didn't have much money to live on. Plus being new to the area it took time to meet people. So crocheting saved me from lonelyness and complete boredom. When we came home on leave to visit our families my husbands Aunt taught me how to read crochet patterns. I will always be so grateful to her for teaching me to do so. Because my talent soared after that. I would say ive been addicted for years now, but I consider this a great art and is so worth the time, it's so rewarding in many ways.
I love to see someone smile when they recieve what I have made them. I could go on and on about how much I love to crochet and how I feel it's helped me though some real rough time's in my life. I also found out that my Great grandmothers were a great crocheter's t they made beautiful doilies and lace edgeing for sheets and pillow cases etc.. My grandmother gave me some of the things they had made her these items were made in the 30's 40's and 50's up until they passed away. my Grandma is 82 and I guess she felt it was time to pass them onto me. I felt so honored. So I put them in my hopes chest for safe keeping, I take them out when I want to look at them I just sit and study the stitches and try to learn from them. I'm so grateful to God for the given talent and the health to do this art. thanks for letting me share and also thank you for sharing so many great pattern's It's so much appreicated. thank you, Kelly

Wednesday, July 27, 2005Name: Diane

Subject: Crochet is my Life

Comment: My hands love to be kept busy. When I learned how to crochet it was in a homeschool elective class. I was 12. I am now 16. Four years of crocheting have produced: 14 baby blankets presented to expectiant mothers at church, they are the hit of all the baby showers. Hats and scarves for all my friends. A couch throw and pillows for my youth paster's wedding gift. My recent and upcoming projects are, selling hats and blankets at the church yard sale, making pillows as Christmas presents for my friends, and building a Hope Chest. I love this site and all the patterns.

Saturday, July 23, 2005Name: Judyb

Subject: crocheting

Comment: I was taught to crochet, by my Auntie Venus, at 8. Forty years later, it has brought me so much joy. Blessings to this website, for all your wonderful patterns.
You never forget the person that taught you to crochet. Get someone HOOKED today!

Wednesday, July 20, 2005Name: Cheryl

Subject: Crocheting

Comment: I was taught to crochet at the age of 14 by an Aunt. I am 41 now and only rediscovered the joy of crochet about 2 years ago. I recently gave birth to a little boy who only graced this earth for precious moments. The only thing that kept me sane and able to move on with life was being able to pick up my crochet and work on a project. It gave me a reason to get out of bed each morning and continue on for my daughter and husband. It gave me direction and purpose.

Your site has helped me create many wonderful items for loved ones and precious babies.

Thanks for helping me to move on!

Wednesday, July 13, 2005Name: Rose from South Park, PA

Subject: crochet is relaxing

Comment: Yes, I also find crocheting very relaxing and fulfilling. After a hard day at work and taking care of my family, I reach for my latest project to work on. It really helps me wind down.

Tuesday, July 12, 2005Name: Del

Subject: crochet is relaxing

Comment: I just am amazed as how absolutely relaxing crocheting is. As soon as I pick up the hook, all the tensions of the day just melt away. Does anyone else find this to be true?

Tuesday, July 05, 2005Name: Donna

Subject: Great Site

Comment: I tried to learn since I was little and because I was left handed, my mom tried but couldn't and I never learned. As I have grown older, I have found that even though I'm a lefty, I use my right hand for several things so a friend tried to teach me right handed and it worked! Since December of 2004 I have been a crocheting fool and I love it! I am making everyone either poncho's or hats and scarves for Christmas this year and have been working on projects one right after the other. I've noticed that if I want to make something larger than the sizes it gives, I just use a larger hook and it tends to work out well. Rarely do I use the exact yarn a pattern calls for. I use the patterns as templates and tend to go in my own direction after the 3rd or 4th row.

Regarless, this is the first place I come to look for patterns! I love how easy it is to find what I'm looking for!

Thank You!

Friday, July 01, 2005Name: Rue Dene Sasser

Subject: How I learned to Crochet

Comment: I have been crocheting since I was nine years old and I am 67 now. My grandmother taught me by using a piece that was already crocheted. She didn't know how to read the written instructions but she knew the name and how to make it. Those were special times at her house.
A lady at work taught me to read directions and now I am crocheting period costumes for the Barbie doll. I just can't get enough of crocheting. While I'm crocheting a piece, I'm thinking of what I can do when it is finished. Your sight has help me find the next item to crochet. Thanks

Friday, July 01, 2005Name: Hannah

Subject: I LOVE to CROCHET!!!!!

Comment: I have been crocheting ever since I was 8. I taught myself by getting this chincy begginer kit with some yarn and a plastic hook. Now I'm 12 and I LOVE to crochet!!!! Crocheting is a great way to make gifts for people. I'v made so many things I can't count them!! Thanks for your site. It helped me alot!!! I think your site is the best!!!! Thanks!! God Bless You!!!


Thursday, June 23, 2005Name: carol

Subject: good website

Comment: I am a novice crocheter. My 91 grandmother has crocheted all her life. My brothers and sisters all have afghans and other things that she has crocheted. She can not see very well and can no longer do any crocheting, so my sister and I learned to crochet. Since learning, I love it and wish I had learned sooner. I think it is very special to carry on a "family tradition". Your site is very helpful. Thanks for your advice.

Thursday, June 23, 2005Name: Jo in Scotland

Subject: Crocheting how I started

Comment: I started purely because when I was in a homeless hostel one of the residents said it was easier than knitting. I now crochet as part of my therapy for my mental illness. It's great for restlessness and also when one is suffering from the winter blues you can just curl up 'fidgeting' (i.e. crocheting) with classical music and soft lighting. It's a dieing art in the UK but I feel like 1/2 of me is missing if I have too long a break from it.

My thing is really patchwork afghans these days but I have a six foot long scarf that started out as a hair piece that I wear every winter with the North East gales.

Crochet - an intrinsic part of staying sane.

Thursday, June 16, 2005Name: aida padilla

Subject: following patterns

Comment: I know how to crochet, but my problem is that I can not follow patterns I started a project and I end up with my own design, which in reality is beautiful. I don't know why I can not follows the patterns that's my big problem, meanwhile in knitting is ok, and I learned how to knit not to long ago, and crocheting I know since I was a little girl.

Saturday, June 11, 2005Name: Ginger

Subject: Crochet

Comment: I love to crochet. My next venture is teaching boys in a group home crochet as a way of therapy. It is certainly the best thing I can do under pressure, or when I want to create, or when I am bored. Is there ever a time when not to crochet?

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