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Tips 'n Tricks

Do you have a helpful hint or handy trick that will make any aspect of crocheting easier? Share it! Post ideas on scrap yarn usages, stitch markers, starching, hook organization, color changing, maintaining your sanity while following a difficult pattern, etc. There is most probably someone out there that will benefit from your help. Need ideas yourself? Read others' comments--we all live and learn!

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Monday, July 21, 2008Name: Geneive Garrard

Subject: crochet

Comment: I find it a safety pin inserted into the loop of the last stitch of your pattern makes it safe to lay your work down without the danger of your hook slipping out of the stitch and letting your work ravel out.

Thursday, July 17, 2008Name: Wendy

Subject: Eco-friendly yarn holder

Comment: For a really handy eco-friendly yarn holder, try re-using the plastic cylinder that the handy-wipes for housecleaning come in (eg: Mr. Clean/Clorox wipes). I use the smaller sizes for my thread crochet, and the really big containers for yarn.

**WARNING** Be sure to wash out carefully prior to use - you don't want to get the cleaner on your yarns or hands!

Not only are they perfectly suited for this use, (the yarn even has it's own hole to come out of & a top that closes securely), but it also makes storing your yarn & thread a snap - they stack really well on shelves or in bins!

**HINT**If you happen to be a "crafty" lady or gentleman, you can also "pretty up" the containers with d�coupage or with paints made for use on plastic. Voil�! =D

Wednesday, July 16, 2008Name: Christinne Barnes

Subject: storage of needles

Comment: I use the empty M&M's minis candy container to store my tapestry and embroidery needles that I use to finish a project. They fit perfectly and the container closes quite tightly.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008Name: anonymous

Subject: project difficulty

Comment: When you are working on a pattern and can't figure out the instructions, but know what you're supposed to make, improvise. Use your own technique. I've done this several times. It works wonderful!

Monday, July 14, 2008Name: jenny

Subject: no more rolling balls

Comment: when beginning a new ball of yarn always dig into the centre to pull out the inner end of the ball and it will then not roll around as you use it.

Monday, July 14, 2008Name: jenny

Subject: yarn scraps

Comment: Keep a mesh bag (like onions are sold in) handy for all clippings of yarn and thread. When this is hung out in a tree in spring the birds can use it as a source of bird nesting material. Truly they love it!

Wednesday, July 09, 2008Name: Steph

Subject: crocheting on planes

Comment: when working a project with different color yarn it's difficult to work anywhere without a pair of scissors. I discovered that toe-nail clippers are an excellent substitute for scissors and they're allowed on planes.

Tuesday, July 08, 2008Name: Cherlyn

Subject: Blocking

Comment: I use a dress-maker's fold-up cutting board with plastic stapled on top to block my doilies. The grid is wonderful for helping to block evenly.

Monday, July 07, 2008Name: Eva

Subject: Hiding Stitches

Comment: My mother taught me to always hide my stitches. It's so simple. You just take the end and crochet it in the other stitches two or three times, and then just cut the rest off. Hope this helps! =)

Monday, July 07, 2008Name: Anna

Subject: Crocheting with plastic bags

Comment: I really like to crochet with plastic grocery bags, but I noticed that they can get sticky and not work well. To solve that problem I bought a container of baby powder. I cut a circle in the lid of a 5 quart ice cream pail, put the end of my ball of plastic bag yarn through the hole, dump in some baby powder and put the lid on. my ball of yarn rolls around in the bucket getting coated with baby powder. This keeps the plastic from getting sticky and hard to work with. Added bonus: Your hands and the finished product smell really good!

Monday, June 30, 2008Name: Peggy Mott

Subject: Threading beads on yarn

Comment: The beads I wanted to use in a crochet project had holes that were so small I didn't have a needle small enough to go through the holes so I just dipped one end of my yarn into clear fingernail polish, twisted it, let it dry and presto! instant threader!

Tuesday, June 17, 2008Name: Anon

Subject: spot checks

Comment: Hold your work up to the light at intervals. It makes it easier to spot any mistakes and do stitch counts.

Saturday, June 07, 2008Name: Karen

Subject: yarn clean and safe

Comment: I use a sturdy brown paper bag, sitting on the floor to keep my ball or skein of yarn in as I crochet. It is the greatest--better than the liter bottles or purchased containers. I fold the top down several inches to make a smooth top. Your yarn can bounce around and NEVER leave the large bag. Cheap too!!!

Friday, June 06, 2008Name: shay

Subject: yarn

Comment: in stead of buying lots of wools for different projects, why not make the project out of a white washable yarn and buy some cheap dye! then you won't end up with lots of wools that you used for small projects and dye doesn't cost much!

Sunday, June 01, 2008Name: chaya

Subject: crochet

Comment: to make it easier and faster to crochet never ever make the chains or any thing else tight. but don't make it too loose or else you'll have big holes

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